Weightlifting Workshop - Sunday 25th August 10:30-15:30
This full-day workshop will be run by British weightlifting coaches and competitors Emma Scrivener and Grace Lilley. The day is broken into two sessions separated by a lunch break; Snatch in the morning and Clean and Jerk in the afternoon. Each will be broken into mobility, primers, technical sets, barbell cycling and a 1RM test.
The goal of the day isn’t simply to lift heavy but to leave having identified your limiting factors in each lift and with tools to address these to further your lifting development beyond the workshop.

Team Competition Prep Day
Saturday 28th September 10:30-14:30
Run by CrossFit Games Team competitors Harrison Bell and Grace Lilley, this training day is ideal for anyone looking to compete in team fitness, from turf games to SID origins, being a good teammate is so much more than being fit.
The day will be divided into two sessions. Session 1 will focus on using the worm and team communication, followed by a talk on competition-day nutrition. After a lunch break, session 2 will focus on synchronising movements and being the best possible teammate during a tough workout.
Hyrox Training Day
Saturday 26th October 10:30-14:30
Hyrox World Championships competitor Mark Williams will host a training day for anyone looking to complete their first or improve their Hyrox time.
The day will be split into two sections with the morning focusing on each individual element, how to maximize efficiency in the movement, pace as an individual or minimise transition times as a team. The afternoon session will then be a Hyrox simulation where you can put everything you’ve learnt to the test